Nerds striking back: Why Geek Chic Is the New Fashion Trend

The return of the nerd in fashion Picture the late-90’ nerd. I’m sure everyone has someone in mind. For me, what first comes to mind is a gangly teenager in khaki flood pants playing Dungeons & Dragons. Imagine, instead, a girl in cropped plaid flares and a matching blazer, sobbing at the optometrist’s office. That… Continue reading Nerds striking back: Why Geek Chic Is the New Fashion Trend

Different ways to become a digital nomad without the skills to work online

Being a digital nomad has become an easy and popular path for many people looking for a better way of life. It allows you to live and work from your home, travel to exotic locales, and stay connected without being tethered to a physical office or a physical job. It’s a lifestyle built on the… Continue reading Different ways to become a digital nomad without the skills to work online

Study at an Online University

This article will cover the differences between online education and distance learning. Online education is: A way of learning that students use online to study with a tutor or another educator to learn from their own pace and study at their own speed. A way of learning that students are not physically present during the… Continue reading Study at an Online University

Small Office – Home Office (SOHO)

Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) has become a very popular form of housing among tech workers, artists, software developers, freelancers, designers, socialites, photographers, and many other people in the New York City area. These small apartments are great for people who are looking to save space and space can be at a premium in their home.… Continue reading Small Office – Home Office (SOHO)

Do you need online training to become a Digital nomad?

You have to make sure your digital nomad gets access to the best online training and education programs in the world. It is true that your digital nomad needs to earn a job with online courses, but it is essential to get a job within a startup business. I am the only digital nomad who… Continue reading Do you need online training to become a Digital nomad?

Where as some self-help practices focus on self-improvement

Personal branding defines success as a form of self-packaging. If you’re looking for advice on what to do to improve your life, look no further than the Self-Help community, where you’ll find people to offer advice, share their experiences and inspire you. There are many ways to become self-sufficient: You can become self-sufficient if you… Continue reading Where as some self-help practices focus on self-improvement

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