Remote work has become …

Remote work has become one of the most effective ways to utilize the technology in our lives.

But, while the need for this form of work has been increasing, many workers are still struggling to find the right balance in their careers. When you're a freelancer, you are responsible for everything. You have to make every aspect of your work, whether it's finding the appropriate client or completing projects in the shortest possible time.

A lot of people struggle with this, because of everything that they have to learn, learn fast, and learn the hard way. There might be times where you are working on a project for the first time, and you're scared out of your mind. You ask yourself, "what if I'm doing it wrong?"

The only way to solve this problem is by being able to separate yourself from the project you're working on. You can go up to your manager and say, "I just don't like any of this work. I don't feel like I'm doing any productive work." You can just say that you're not sure working on any project will be beneficial to your career.
By taking this approach, you separate yourself from what's going on. You say, "Hey, I'm doing stuff that is not productive. I'm doing this because I'm just not enjoying this at all. I'm going in that direction because I don't feel like being productive by doing this." The other person is forced to respect you and will not push you to do an assignment that you don't enjoy and that your manager didn't approve of.
They don't want the project completed just to have it done, because they want to sell it. They want to create a market for their product or service.

If that person feels that he/she has to follow you all the way until the contract is executed, then that person is not a very good leader. That person cannot effectively lead unless he/she is free to make decisions as he/she sees fit.

So, you can go back to the other person and say, "Hey, this isn't working for me. I'm not working on the project because I'm not being productive. I'm just bored. I'm looking for something else in this world." You know what a good leader will say? "I told you so."

When you say you're bored with the project, the other person can do what is best for him/her. You can say, "You know what? If you're bored with this project, then don't let me do it." You can just say no to people who are trying to force you to do an assignment that you don't enjoy.

Now, when this person says, "I know you don't want me to do this, but it's just not productive for me to work on this," then he/she is probably wrong for the reasons they said. They didn't say they don't want anything to do with you. They were just saying they don't want to be doing this, they have other work. You can go back and say, "This isn't being productive. I'm not producing anything." They get in trouble for giving you a bad report, not because they're wrong, but because they're lazy.
People say to me all the time, "I really need to cut back on spending," but I tell them, "I got too much debt in my life. Nobody owes me anything. I owe it all to myself." If you want to save yourself from all the debt you've got, don't worry about getting rid of the bills that are accumulating on your credit card.

You can't do anything about it anyway until you save yourself from the debt you've got.

What about that person who wants to save me from something, but just isn't willing to do anything about it?

This is a very difficult situation to be in. You have to be willing to make sacrifices for others.

At the end of the day, it is your responsibility to produce enough cash flow to meet all your personal obligations. You have to be willing to make the right decisions to help out those that are in need.

For an illustrative example, if you're an investor and you're going to be taking your family out to vacation, you don't want to go and vacation because you're not rich. You want to go because there are people that need the money you're investing.

Your first thought may be to go and invest. You're going to want to do it because you may have to pay for the gas, the hotel, and the food for your family. That is what you're going to want.

However, you may end up spending the full amount of money that you've invested. Or, you may spend everything you've invested and have nothing to show for it.