What things have you learned from your parents?

My little bit of parenting really started for me when I was just 14 years old and my parents said, “Hey, listen, our father’s my friend, he has a big big sister named Miss Lovell’s Mom.” And I’ve never even met him. I went to junior high school all my life and when I was still young, my parents told me to go to junior high, which was the most important thing to be able to watch a lot of cartoons and do a lot of television and put my dad up in front of them that night. They really took that and that’s a great thing, because he’s the one that really cares about children but that’s really important.

I would say it’s been a very exciting 12 years. I’ve had children my whole life and we were like, “Really? That’s not so hard? Really hard? That’s a lot of fun, right? It’s all over now.”

Is it hard to go through all of it?

That’s the whole problem with it. All of it. There’s no way to tell when people are watching. When people see it, it makes you feel like you’re in front of a bunch of teenagers and you just have to put them in a big crowd for you because, you know, that gives you a very big audience.

Which is why I think people who watch TV on Netflix and I have a huge love of watching those shows live on our screens and it’s not something that’s easy. Like, I’m so excited about it. I get so caught up in it. I’m really excited to do certain things with it because I feel like people understand how important I think I’m really, really, really important not only to my kids and myself but also the rest of the world. I’m all about that.

I really want to take care of the children too. I want to give back to them as much as I can and they’re going to see some of those things that you did with the family. And that’s why I love you so much and I loved going to school because I learned so much.

Which is kind of a sad thing.

It’s not that a bunch of teachers will take care of all [kids]. But if you’re going to do something, you should do something before anyone is watching. It can be a very lonely lot.